Flying and its impact – Carbon Offsetting

Wing at sunset with clouds

In this article, you’ll learn everything you must know about flying and how to cut back on your impact. Most travelers are aware of the damaging effects of flying, but sometimes the urge to go out and explore is greater than anything. I get it, and sometimes it’s just impossible to avoid, right? I’ve got to […]

Villers Abbey – A perfect day trip in Belgium

Personally one of my favorite places in Belgium: the Villers Abbey. As you may see in the pictures, it’s not a very ‘common abbey’ but it remains half-standing by its ruins. Originally the abbey was built in the 12th century and was finally abandoned in 1796. Today, tourists can visit this impressive heritage site in […]

Long term biking: tips

Recently I shared with you the story of Katrien and Kobe: a Belgian couple who decided to bike to China. Their story is inspirational on many levels: how to travel alternatively, how to travel sustainably, how to travel as a couple, and of course how to travel even when it’s not always easy to persist! […]

Sustainable travel – who, what, how?

Peruvian sunset in Jungle from boat

Finally, after three years of studying International Tourism, I have gained a deeper insight into the ongoing tourism industry. I have learned many things, one of them being the impact of tourism. The economy, the environment, and the social structure of a country can be affected by the mass amount of incoming tourism. These impacts […]

Klaipeda, Lithuania’s hidden gem

Boat on Dane River in Klaipeda

Klaipeda, the city of birth of one of my greatest friends. Reasons enough for me to visit. The scenic city of Klaipeda is located along the Baltic coast and is known to be the third biggest one in the country. Not only is it the third biggest city, but it also locates the only port […]