Climate Change Archives - Simply By Joy Escape the ordinary Tue, 23 Feb 2021 09:06:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Flying and its impact – Carbon Offsetting Fri, 29 Jan 2021 11:31:40 +0000 In this article, you’ll learn everything you must know about flying and how to cut back on your impact. Most travelers are aware of the damaging effects of flying, but sometimes the urge to go out and explore is greater than anything. I get it, and sometimes it’s just impossible to avoid, right? I’ve got to […]

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In this article, you’ll learn everything you must know about flying and how to cut back on your impact. Most travelers are aware of the damaging effects of flying, but sometimes the urge to go out and explore is greater than anything. I get it, and sometimes it’s just impossible to avoid, right? I’ve got to admit, I even like flying! Looking above the clouds, and getting a clear view of the country you visit(ed) while ascending and descending.

Now the real question is: how to reduce your impact when flying? First of all, I’d like to stress that cutting down our emissions is one of the only ways to fight climate change. So, before booking your next trip think mindfully about alternative transportation (think train, bicycle, etc). Each individual has his/her own carbon footprint which entails the emissions from our daily tasks, like doing the laundry or by driving. Traveling by plane is a huge contributor to the individual carbon footprint as well as to global warming. The second action you can take is to compensate your CO2-equivalent through funding a green project. This is called carbon offsetting.

This is how you can help:

Step 1 Reduce your overall emissions. Tips on reducing the impact of your daily life- tasks are summarized here. Tips on reducing the impact while traveling are summarized here.
Step 2Calculate. Place a number on your emissions in order to take further action.
Step 3 Find a suitable and reliable organization to contribute to. Many airlines also offer the option themselves when booking your ticket. For example: on Greentripper.
Step 4Pay. This way you’ll be able to support green projects that plant trees or take other measures.

For example: a KLM flight from Brussels to Accra only requires a 20 euros compensation.

There are many discussions about the effectiveness of carbon offsetting. Obviously, it is not the solution to climate change. It is however a way to raise awareness and a useful tool to start. The only way we’ll be able to fight the current climate issue, we have to cut emissions rather than compensate for them. For more resources on carbon offsetting and its effectiveness, please check the following articles on National Geographic and the Guardian.

Tourism is one of the biggest polluting industries in the world. But on the other hand, tourism creates jobs, income for host communities, infrastructural improvements, etc. Overall, if handled well sustainable tourism can improve the quality of life of host communities. Unfortunately, the current pandemic had a big impact on all activities within the industry. Let’s find a way to make this industry thrive again in a positive way.

More tips about sustainable travel over here. Cheers ✌

The post Flying and its impact – Carbon Offsetting appeared first on Simply By Joy.
